photo by Jerry Bauer
Blog Index

The Shore of Women

My 1986 novel The Shore of Women is now available in unabridged audio form from


Rebranding Genre Fiction as Young Adult Fiction

The question this week at SF Signal's Mind Meld is: What genre novels would benefit from a re-branding as Young Adult? Which YA novels should not be branded as such? My answer is the last, which means you get to read some fascinating and provocative responses from Gail Carriger, E.C. Myers, R.T. Kaelin, Alethea Kontis, and others as you scroll down to what I have to say.


A Review and an Interview

Jules Sherred, a contributor to Wired's GeekMom blog, interviewed me last week for her Geeky Pleasures radio program; that interview can be heard here. Her review of Farseed is here.

Among the subjects discussed during my hour-and-a-half long interview with Jules: The evolution of YA, “adult themes” and how parenting has changed; the influence of social media on our perceptions of the world; becoming a fan of sci-fi, the subculture around it, and the evolution of the community thanks to the Internet; differences between science-fiction and fantasy; writing licensed Star Trek novels, and much more.


Farseed Is Out

Publication day for the Tor trade paperback of Farseed is today.


Good Stuff Enjoyed in 2012

L. Timmel Duchamp, editor and publisher at Aqueduct Press, has offered an annual alternative to "year's best" lists at the press's blog, Ambling Along the Aqueduct. What she does is to ask writers to write about their favorite reading, viewing, and listening during the past year, regardless of the year in which those particular artifacts were produced. My contribution to this year's series is here.